Showing 1051 results

Subjects term Scope note Archival description count Authority record count

Use for: Asthma, Bronchial , Bronchial Asthma

  • A form of bronchial disorder with three distinct components: airway hyper-responsiveness (RESPIRATORY HYPERSENSITIVITY), airway INFLAMMATION, and intermittent AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION. It is characterized by spasmodic contraction of airway smooth muscle, WHEEZING, and dyspnea (DYSPNEA, PAROXYSMAL).
1 0
Audiovisual Aids (3)

Use for: Audio-Visual Aids , Visual Aids

  • Auditory and visual instructional materials.
0 0
Autism Spectrum Disorder (1)

Use for: Autism Spectrum Disorders, Autistic Spectrum Disorder

  • Wide continuum of associated cognitive and neurobehavioral disorders, including, but not limited to, three core-defining features: impairments in socialization, impairments in verbal and nonverbal communication, and restricted and repetitive patterns of behaviors. (from DSM-V)
0 0
Autism Spectrum Disorder--Genetics 1 0

Use for: Autopsies , Post-Mortem Examination , Postmortem Examination

  • Postmortem examination of the body.
2 0
Awards and Prizes (3) 49 0
Bacterial Infections (7)

Use for: Bacterial Disease , Bacterial Infection, Infection, Bacterial , Infections, Bacterial

  • Infections by bacteria, general or unspecified.
0 0
Bacterial Infections and Mycoses (8)
  • Infections caused by bacteria and fungi, general, specified, or unspecified.
0 0
Ballet 0 0
  • The occupation concerned with the cutting and dressing of the hair of customers and, of men, the shaving and trimming of the beard and mustache. (From Random House Unabridged Dictionary, 2d ed)
2 0

Use for: Baseballs, Softball , Softballs

  • A competitive nine-member team sport including softball.
6 0

Use for: Netball, Netballs, Basketballs

  • A competitive team sport played on a rectangular court having a raised basket at each end.
15 0
Behavior (10)

Use for: Acceptance Process, Acceptance Processes

  • The observable response of a man or animal to a situation.
0 0
Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms (21)

Use for: Behavior And Behavior Mechanism

  • The observable response made to a situation and the unconscious processes underlying it.
0 0
Behavioral Disciplines and Activities (8)
  • The specialties in psychiatry and psychology, their diagnostic techniques and tests, their therapeutic methods, and psychiatric and psychological services.
0 0
Behavioral Medicine

Use for: Health Psychology , Medicine, Behavioral , Psychology, Health

  • The interdisciplinary field concerned with the development and integration of behavioral and biomedical science, knowledge, and techniques relevant to health and illness and the application of this knowledge and these techniques to prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation.
1 0
Behavioral Sciences (7)

Use for: Proxemics

  • Disciplines concerned with the study of human and animal behavior.
0 0
Beverages (3)
  • Liquids that are suitable for drinking. (From Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary, 10th ed)
0 0
  • The study of the composition, chemical structures, and chemical reactions of living things.
1 0
Biological Products (6)

Use for: Biologic Products , Biologic Drug , Biologic Drugs , Biologic Medicines , Biologic Pharmaceuticals , Biologic Product , Biological Drug , Biological Drugs, Biological Medicine , Biological Medicines, Biological Product , Biopharmaceutical , Biopharmaceuticals, Natural Product , Natural Products, Products, Biological

  • Complex pharmaceutical substances, preparations, or matter derived from organisms usually obtained by biological methods or assay.
0 0