Showing 133 results

Genre term Scope note Archival description count Authority record count
Yearbooks (1)

Use for: Annuals (Yearbooks), Year books

2 0
Worn costume accessories (6)
  • Items that do not form the primary articles of clothing, but are instead the smaller articles of dress, and that are worn on the body, as opposed to being carried.
0 0
Windows (2)

Use for: window, lights (windows)

  • Openings in the wall of a building, serving to admit light, usually to permit vision, and often to admit air.
0 0
Web archives

Use for: Internet archives

  • Archived single websites or collections of similar or related websites.
1 0
  • Works in which images are formed primarily of pigment suspended in water, generally on paper or other two-dimensional surface.
1 0
Visual works (15) 0 0
Video recordings

Use for: Recordings, Video, Videorecordings, Videos

148 0
Uniforms (1) 0 0

Use for: Typescript

  • Copies of a work in typewritten form, as distinguished from those in printed or handwritten form.
3 0
Travel sketches
  • Sketches made when the artist or architect is traveling, especially for recording monuments and scenes for later study.
1 0