Showing 133 results

Genre term Scope note Archival description count Authority record count
  • Collected objects of various kinds with historical, personal, or locational interest, used generally.
9 0
Ephemera (4) 6 0
Informational works (34)
  • Works whose main purpose is to record and convey factual information.
0 0
Biographies 2 0
Records (documents) (17)
  • Documents in any form created or received by an agency, institution, organization, or individual, accumulated in the normal conduct of business or affairs.
0 0
Field notes 1 0
Albums (books) (1)

Use for: Scrapbooks, Scrap albums, Scrap books, Souvenir albums

  • Books with blank pages that are used to collect, display, and preserve images, text, notated music, keepsakes, etc.
3 0
Sound recordings (1)

Use for: Interviews (Sound recordings), Recordings, Sound

98 0
Podcasts 3 0
Correspondence (4)
  • Any forms of addressed and written communication sent and received, including letters, postcards, memorandums, notes, telegrams, or cables.
13 0