Showing 139 results

Genre term Scope note Archival description count Authority record count
Photographs (2)

Use for: Pics (Photographs), Photos, Pix (Photographs), Snapshots

846 0
Pins (jewelry)
  • Ornaments consisting essentially or partly of a pointed penetrating wire or shaft.
1 0
Podcasts 3 0
Postcards 14 0
Press releases

Use for: News releases, Press statements

7 0
Professional directories

Use for: Professional directory, Directories, professional

  • Directories listing the names of and information on professional individuals.
2 0
Programs (Publications)

Use for: Briefs (Programs), Event programmes, Event programs, Performance programmes, Performance programs, Program booklets, Program books, Program guides, Programmes (Publications), Souvenir programs

11 0
Promotional materials (1)

Use for: Literature, Promotional, Promotional literature

  • Materials that advertise or promote products, causes, or concerns.
6 0
Protective wear (1)

Use for: wear, protective

  • Garments worn for protection against dirt or danger. For garments worn for protection from weather, use "outerwear" or its narrower terms.
0 0
  • Documents distributed to the public by sale or other transfer of ownership, or by rental, lease, or lending.
1 0
Records (documents) (22)
  • Documents in any form created or received by an agency, institution, organization, or individual, accumulated in the normal conduct of business or affairs.
0 0
Reference sources (3)
  • Sources intended primarily for consultation rather than for consecutive reading.
0 0
Religious materials (1) 0 0
  • New impressions of an edition of a printed publication using the same setting-up of type or plates of the original, or articles, chapters, or other portions of previously published larger works, printed separately subsequent to the original publication, usually but not always from the original type or plates.
9 0
Research (documents)
  • Recorded results of diligent and systematic inquiry or investigation into a subject made to discover or revise facts, theories, or applications.
1 0
Résumés (personnel records)

Use for: Curriculum vitae

  • Brief records of one's personal history, career, qualifications, and experience, such as that submitted with a job application.
28 0
Rules (instructional materials)

Use for: Rule (instructional materials), Directives

  • Books or other documents containing organized, prescriptive instructions regarding a certain procedure, activity, or topic.
2 0
School records (3)

Use for: school record, records, school

  • Lists of students' names and records of grades, disciplinary issues, and other information pertaining to the education of a student in a given school.
0 0
School yearbooks

Use for: College yearbooks, Elementary school yearbooks, High school yearbooks, Junior high school yearbooks, Middle school yearbooks, Primary school yearbooks, University yearbooks

  • Publications commonly compiled by the graduating class of an educational institution, recording the year's events and typically containing photographs of students and faculty.
3 0
Serial publications (5)
  • Resources issued in successive parts, generally with no predetermined conclusion, usually bearing numerical and/or chronological designations.
0 0