Showing 133 results

Genre term Scope note Archival description count Authority record count
Buttons (information artifacts)
  • Ornaments or badges for wearing, as on a lapel, stamped or printed with designs or slogans.
1 0
Bylaws (administrative records)

Use for: Bylaw (administrative record), Byelaw, Byelaws , By-laws (administrative records), By-law (administrative record), Bye-law (administrative records), Bye-laws (administrative records)

  • Laws, ordinances, or regulations made by a public or private corporation, association, or unincorporated society for the regulation of its own local or internal affairs, for its dealings with others, or for the government of its members.
3 0
Caps (headgear) (1)
  • Brimless head coverings, often made with a visor.
0 0

Use for: Casebook, Case books

  • Books containing records of cases illustrative of general principles or typifying significant situations; used for reference or instruction.
1 0
Circulars (fliers)
  • Printed pieces such as notices or advertisements, usually in the form of single sheets or leaflets, intended for wide distribution to the general public. For similar pieces intended for distribution by hand and often doubling as posters, use "handbills."
1 0
Clippings (information artifacts) (1)

Use for: Clipping (information artifact)

  • Illustrations, pages, articles, or columns of text removed from books, newspapers, journals, or other printed sources and kept for their informational content.
8 0
Collected works
  • All the writings of an author, including those which have not been printed previously, published in one volume or a number of volumes in a uniform style of binding, usually with an inclusive title.
0 0
Community cookbooks

Use for: Charitable cookbooks, Charity cookbooks, Church cookbooks (Community cookbooks), Fund raising cookbooks, Fundraising cookbooks

  • Cookbooks that contain recipes submitted by community organizations, often church or civic groups, frequently including a history of the organization and the region, personal recollections or local culinary traditions.
1 0
  • Documents embodying the fundamental organic law of government of a nation, state, society, or other organized body; laying down fundamental rules and principles for the conduct of affairs.
1 0
Cookbooks (1)

Use for: Cookery books, Cook-books, Recipe books

  • Collections of recipes in book form. For instructions listing ingredients and procedures to prepare something, especially food, see [Recipes.]
0 0