Showing 139 results

Genre term Scope note Archival description count Authority record count
Art (2)

Use for: Art works, Artworks, Fine art, Fine arts, Visual art, Works of art

1 0

Use for: Article

  • Literary compositions prepared for publication as an independent portion of a magazine, newspaper, encyclopedia, or other work.
3 0
Autochromes (photographs)

Use for: Autochromes (photographs), Autochrome (photographic transparency)

  • Photographs made by the Autochrome process.
1 0
Baseball caps

Use for: ball caps, caps, ball, caps, baseball

  • Close-fitting caps with a visor, generally having a gored crown with a button on top.
2 0

Use for: bibliography (document), book lists

  • Lists of books, documents, and other bibliographical items, often all related by author, topic, or another criterion. Bibliographies are arranged in some logical order giving brief information about the works, such as author, date, publisher, and place of publication.
1 0
Biographies 2 0

Use for: MABs (Multi-author blogs), Multi-author blogs, Web logs, Weblogs

8 0
Bookkeeping records (1)

Use for: bookkeeping record, records, bookkeeping

  • Documents created or amassed by those who keep a merchant’s books or accounts in pursuance of its legal obligations or in the transaction of business.
0 0
  • Labels affixed to a book to indicate ownership and often its location in a collection. They may be printed or engraved, frequently with a distinctive design, pasted or tipped into books on the inside of the upper cover.
1 0
  • Items comprising a collection of leaves of paper, parchment, wood, stiffened textile, ivory, metal tablets, or other flat material, that are blank, written on, or printed, and are strung or bound together in a volume.
10 0